Since I've been on Youtube. I've learned so much about natural hair, I swear I could write a book. Perhaps I should, okay, one more thing on my list of things to do in life. But even if I do, it would be so worth it. There are so many little girls and women hating their textured tresses. Simply because they've be conditioned to by family and media or they simply have not been given the proper information on how to care for it. As a child my mom cared for my natural hair, so hair was the least of my concerns. But, now that I've decided to go back to my natural roots, I'm obsessed with learning all that I can about natural hair. I spend hours on hair sites and youtube absorbing everything I can. It's easy to get caught up with what products your hair needs. But what your our hair really needs if for us to listen to it, feel it and understand what in needs to grow. And that is TLC, which includes protective styling and patience.
Who knew after years of buying products with labels like "HairFood" and "Do Grow" not many of us achieved great lengths. Even worse, is the fact that many of the "black hair" product marketed to us contain a lot of junk! Terrible ingredients like parabens, petroleum, mink oil and other unmentionable substances that rob our hair of the moisture that it needs to thrive. So, so much money time and energy wasted on product to "help" our hair grow. If only we had listened to our hair many of us would have healthier hair. Even now that I'm natural I'm learning to listen to my hair and give it what it need moisture, TLC and a lot more patience. I still see the desire for that magic growth product among some naturals. Have we not learned? Hair grows, we used to get touch up with relaxers and dye jobs . So, that should be an indication that our hair grows. Also, it grows approximately 1/2 and inch every month.
It's doesn't seem like a lot but if you keep watching and constantly measuring, it won’t seem like anything's happening. Like the saying goes a watched pot never boils. I guess it's impatience that compels some of us to run out and buy every single product that has had good reviews. I can understand, believe me, that we want our hair to look the best it can be. But it's equally important that your hair
feels the best that it can be. That requires using products that it responds well to and just listening to your hair. It's important to remember what works for one natural may not work for you, even if you have the same hair type. Create a hair regimen that works best for YOU, it's a trial and error process. Don't be afraid to try new products but don't go looking for a miracle product, even if it has the word "Miracle" on the label. If we've learned, we know that there will be many products claiming to be the solution to hair growth, so we end up buying so many. But, Product Junkyism is not the solution to hair growth, moisture, TLC and patience are key to healthy hair and the length you may desire.